
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Various names of rajab and their relevance

It is stated in Mukashafa-tul-Qulub, 'Actually the name of Rajab is derived from the word Tarjib which means to pay respect. It is also known as Al-Asab which means 'fast flowing', as the downpour of mercy is increased exponentially upon those who repent in this month and those who worship in this in this month are blessed with the light of acceptance. It is also called  'Al-Asam', which means 'the most deaf' because war noise is not heard at all, in this month.
(Mukashafa-tul-Qulub page.301)

It is also stated in Ghunya-tut-Talibeen that this monmth is also called the month of stoning as the Satans are stoned in it so that they don't cause aggravation to the Muslims. This blessed month is also known as Al-Asam, which means the most deaf because it has not been heard [or recorded] that Allah عزوجل  punished any nation in this month, contrarry to other months in which Allah عزوجل  has sent down punishment on the previous nations.
(Ghunya-tut-Talibin, vol.1, page.319-320)